Welcome to the Katherine Blair Journal! We're Katherine and Mark, husband and wife wedding photography team, and we strive to your story in an artful and evocative way. Our blog is here to help you find the perfect wedding venue, help with wedding planning, and get to know us better. Grab a glass of your favorite, sit down, and enjoy!
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home on the web
Max wakes up too early. He’s always doing stuff like he’s soooooo coooool. Whatever. I’m tired. Sometimes, sleeping makes me tired, so I sleep it off. I think I might love sleep more than food, but only when I’m not eating. Eating makes me sleepy, too, and I love sleep, so that just makes food even better!
Hey friends! It’s been such a busy week… Daylight savings has turned our brains to mush, and we keep forgetting to post on Instagram… so we asked Max to guest blog for us this week. We promised him cat nip in return. He gladly accepted.
I was up at 5:20 this morning. After getting something to drink from the human’s chair, I went to the back door and yelled. Strangely, no one came. I tried again at the top of the stairs, but it was useless. The humans were tired. I had seen them sitting in front of their magic portal […]