Welcome to the Katherine Blair Journal! We're Katherine and Mark, husband and wife wedding photography team, and we strive to your story in an artful and evocative way. Our blog is here to help you find the perfect wedding venue, help with wedding planning, and get to know us better. Grab a glass of your favorite, sit down, and enjoy!
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If only I ate desserts. I suppose it’s a good thing for everyone that I don’t.
Katherine and I had a blast at the Ladies’ Tea(/Coffee) Party. It’s good to be at a church with an active ladies’ ministry. Women of all ages hosted tables and invited guests; there was a raffle, snacks and two contests, “Best Hat” and “Best Head Ornament”, of which I was the judge.
Gabby(center) won the best head ornament contest. An origami crown made out of playing cards, queens, to be precise. Katherine straightened her hair.
“Mamie”(left) won the best hat contest. I think it’s easy to see why; that is a magnificent hat.
A few men of the church offered to be servers. I got out of that by photographing the event 😉
Head of the deacon body, Angelo Dajon, served everyone with that warm smile he and his wife always have on.
Mark Carman called the raffle with appropriate enthusiasm. His impression of the announcer from The Price Is Right is spot on. He also had the best joke of the afternoon, during the raffle. “Here we have a digital scale… a digital scale. If you’re looking to get into the meth business, this’ll come in real handy.” Keep in mind, half the room was women over 65.
The man, the myth, the legend: Mark Carman.
All in all, about 100 ladies attended and some great quality time was spent with friends and family. The table decorations were absolutely outrageous. Some of them looks straight out of Versailles. I took several pictures of just tables xD…but those are for the wonderful woman who organized the event, “Mama Nancy.”